How to play

The battle field will have 3 lance where players will have to flight and protect themselves. At the same time, players need to build their own town and keep upgrading the character they have.

To colonies and protect their own town including trading, you also don't have to attract every city to make trade (an easy way to play).

In each lance, the distance, complexity and the resources are not equal. Players need to collect as many resources as possible to build the unit in their own town and also build the strength to protect their city from enemy.

At the same time, to gain advantage, they need to build the fortress in a different location for strategy and tactic. Who is the one who loses all the points of unit (the point unit and the point to build fortress is limited) the advantage depends on how player manages their resources and token.

Available on Android and IOS

3 battle lance with players in PVP, PVE, Clan and also quarterly and year tournaments

Last updated